Debugging Apex

Debugging Apex

The Salesforce Extension pack comes with rich debugging options for every developer, regardless of where you land on the low- to pro-code continuum. Use this information to figure out which Apex debugger is right for you:

Debugger License Requirements Features
Replay Debugger None. Free. Easy to use. Use debug logs to “replay” events. Your debugger for most use cases.
Interactive Debugger - One free license in Performance and Unlimited Edition orgs.
- Available for purchase in Enterprise Edition orgs.
- Not available in Trial and Developer Edition orgs.
- Can be used in scratch orgs using the DebugApex feature. To use the debugger in a scratch org, the associated Dev Hub org must have the Apex Debugger license.
A powerful debugger that lets you view and pause events in real time.
ISV Debugger - Available in subscriber sandbox orgs and scratch orgs.
- Can be used in scratch orgs using the DebugApex feature. To use the debugger in a scratch org, the associated Dev Hub org must have the Apex Debuggerlicense. For ISVs, this is their Partner Business Org (PBO).
Use to debug managed package code directly in customer orgs in real time.

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